Divorcées are the Most Entitled of All Singles

Erwin C
2 min readSep 5, 2023


Photo by call me hangry 🇫🇷 on Unsplash

I know, because I was one lol (and have met others).

The following are thoughts some divorcees may think (some funny, some true). At the least, these are vibes some give off.

  • I’m not single (like you), I was actually previously married. I’m a divorcee, which is above a lowly, regular single person.
  • I was married before and having that marriage certificate and ring was like a college degree, so I automatically know more about relationships than you.
  • Why is finding a partner taking so long? What’s up with modern dating? Back in my day, we did it this way ________ and I refuse to adapt or change my expectations.
  • I’ve just temporarily fallen off my perch, I’ll be back up and partnered again in no time.
  • Wow, it’s been 2 whole months without sex or being with someone? This is outrageous. Where’s the manager that handles relationships and partners, I need to have a partner now or very soon.
  • I’ve already been going to the gym for a whole month and reached out to old friends on Facebook and still don’t have a partner. This is outrageous. I give it 3 more weeks max.
  • Don’t people know who I was? I was sports champ, beauty queen. Sure I may have an extra 10 pounds now (actually 40 pounds), but that’s nothing.
  • Wow, they already passed by twice and still haven’t asked for my number? (I was thinking of rejecting them anyway, but they should have still asked)
  • I’m just a cute fun sloppy drunk like in my 20’s (40 now).
  • Dating is so below me (actually getting to know others).

To be continued, there are many more thoughts! Feel free to add your own.

