Growth Happens at Awkward

Erwin C
1 min readMar 7, 2022
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

Growth is Awkward

We’ve been taught that growth is tough and difficult — pain equals gain, for example. Growth doesn’t always feel like a good workout though.

Often enough, growth feels weird, stupid, boring, frustrating, or awkward.

That’s why they’re called growing pains. As a teenager, growth spurts hurt physically but they also hurt emotionally. Nothing fits right, you feel exposed, and you’re literally growing into a new body.

Cool is the opposite of awkward. Cool is confident because you’ve done it plenty before. Cool feels good, but there’s no growth. Cool is the “been there, done that” feeling. If you always feel cool, you’re not growing.

Growth can be a nervous phone call to someone new. Growth can be bumbling through words because you’re trying to discuss a new idea, not because you’re an idiot. Growth can be being frustratingly lost in a new country because you’re trying to travel more. Growth can be feeling your snot run and your belly bounce, as you’re running your first half marathon. Growth can be losing money while making your first investment. Growth can be feeling uncomfortable in a new outfit you tried.

Growth is about trying something new or in a new manner. It’s forgetting about the outcome.

