How I Made a Whopping $0.91 on Medium Last Month and You Can Too

Erwin C
2 min readApr 7, 2021
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You’d be correct in thinking why write? Well, I don’t write for the direct dollars earned here, but for the practice and indirect effects achieved elsewhere. Here are a few incentives to motivate your own writing:


Medium provides a direct source of feedback for your writing. Structuring your message, adding pictures, coming up with titles, and not boring your readers. You get comments, questions, fans, and messages. Journaling on your own does not provide this avenue.

Better Business Emails

My writing and commenting on here has had a direct effect and improvement on all my business emails. I get quicker responses, my emails are more appealing, and I exchange more value on every message. The value of my improved writing over the past few years is easily into the thousands of dollars in worth. How much would you value attained sales, happier clients, and better relations with coworkers, just due to better writing?

Better Thinking

Thoughts, vocabulary, and messages flow much quicker now, turning from a steady stream into a raging yet manageable river. I’ve seen writers I admire on here pound out dozens of long articles per month and I’m always left in awe at their output. My own ability to read and understand their messages has drastically increased as well, and I have a greater appreciation for their abilities just because I’ve tried it myself.


Can I be better? Yes, always. Thoughts and ideas don’t marinate as long in my mind now and are more quickly converted into actionable measures due to trying to be a better writer on Medium. You’ll think quicker, be less judgemental about your own abilities, and find yourself developing deeper connections across our global community.

